Sraosha | 05.07.2017
Πάρις Πετρίδης | 05.07.2017
Πάνος Θεοδωρίδης | 05.07.2017
Παντελής Καραμίχαλος | 04.07.2017
Γιώργος Ζαχαρίου | 04.07.2017
Γιάννης Βαρβάκης | 04.07.2017
Βέρα I. Φραντζή | 03.07.2017
Κάπα Κάπα Μοίρης | 03.07.2017
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Vera J. Frantzh | 06.07.2017
Αλέξανδρος Σύρρος | 05.07.2017
Panos Dodis | 05.07.2017
Georgia Drakaki | 05.07.2017
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κείμενα με tag: Tsipras
William Blackstone | 21.01.2015
Although electoral law stipulates that elections should be held every four years, the last mature elections in Greece took place in March 2004. Since then, the average lifespan of a government is roughly three years – even less, if you count reshuffles.
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